The world is in desperate need for rare earth supply outside of China.
The situation has become so dire President Biden signed an executive order on supply chain security, noting, “From rare earths in our electric motors and generators to the carbon fiber used for aeroplanes – the United States needs to ensure we are not dependent upon foreign sources or single points of failure in times of national emergency.”
Now, money is pouring into the U.S. rare-earth mining industry creating a “Rare-Earth Bonanza” for small U.S. mining companies and investors alike.
Most of the companies looking to break China’s stranglehold on the industry are still in the planning or exploration stages, and many of them are still private. But there are a few ways for savvy investors to get some skin in the rare-earth game.
Sign up below to get the names and tickers of the three rare earth mining companies that are set to soar from Biden’s Rare Earth Bonanza in our new dossier: “3 Rare-Earth Stocks to Buy ASAP!”
Two of them are trading under $10, but could skyrocket on news any day now, so make sure you act now…